About us

Message From the President

After the start of manufacturing Air Tools, over 50 years,the quality has been consistently put into our practice and product design for obtaining the satisfaction of all customers. Development in production has constantly raised our products to a higher performance. Customers have been calling for high quality and capability of our products, year by year. SI branded tools is not only an Air tool sine we always intend to develop it into a new better product. We will always do our best to meet your satisfaction.

President Hiroyoshi Izumisawa


SHINANO’s SDGs Initiatives

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals for the period 2016-2030 described in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015.
SHINANO INC. is considering and implementing environmental initiatives that we can contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Solar Power Genration

The photovoltaics business was started from January, 2013 as an activity which utilizes renewable energy effectively for global environment protection.
We are reducing the CO2 in the same amount as the 20,000trees in year. Generated the equivalent of 98% of the electricity used in the factory in 2020.

Factory rooftop, SHINANO INC.
Kagoshima Solar Power Plant
Wakayama Solar Power Plant

Responsible Mineral Procurement Policy 

In order to fulfill our responsibility as a manufacturer, SHINANO INC. aims to procure materials responsibly so as not to be complicit in human rights abuses associated with conflict minerals.

Our Advantage

Made in Japan

Comprehensive Product Line

Enough Stock for Quick Delivery

Global Distribution Network

Quality of SHINANO

We continue to keep making quality products.

Over 45 years, we have been developing our skills for your trust and satisfaction. Now, we are introducing various measuring system including certification of ISO 9001 for higher quality.

Design and Development

Our product development team analyse industry data for the planning of new tools.
Our designs are drawn from over 50 years experience in pneumatic tool design and production, extensive industry research, sound engineering & ergonomic principles and employing modern production techniques.
In our design process, we carefully study the properties and function of each part. We examine the manufacturing parameters of an assembled component, then test for strength and performance.
Shinano Inc. collects data by conducting test experiments in the fields of operator safety, health and workplace productivity.
Our designers always aim for perfection in their designs which will in-turn build on the strengths of the SI product range.


We believe that precision robotics, combined with the management systems of the human mind produce high quality products at a reasonable price. Our production lines incorporate fully automatic robotics, to accurately, rapidly and efficiently manufacture our products.

Certifying Our Standards of Quality

Component inspection is carefully carried out at a number of production stages. Inspectors ensure that the production meets the required quality and durability standards. Constant vigilance and daily production inspections ensure the high quality of Shinano Inc. air tools.

Company Profile

Trade Mark
Head Office 1-20-17 Tokumaru, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Saitama Plant 1672 Ohnohara, Kamekubo, Fujimino-shi, Saitama-ken, Japan
PHONE: +81-49-264-8171 FAX: +81-49-262-2012
Main Business Overseas sales and Manufacturing of Air Tools for car repair, assembly lines and all pertinent industries.
Established 1949
SHINANO’S History and Innovation
Oct-1949Shinano Ltd. was established. Started manufacturing various measuring devices and jigs.
Oct-1961Innovated to Shinano Inc.
May-1969Started producing pnuematic tools.
Feb-1971The ratchet wrench used as the current global standard was developed.
Sep-1977An office computer was introduced to start the central production managing system.
Jun-1979Shinano Kihan Co., Ltd. was established to promote the domestic sales.
Aug-1984A latest-facilities factory was newly established in Saitama.
Jan-1993A ratchet wrench, a drill, etc. are miniaturized. Seried as mini tools. Patented.
Jul-1993The ratchet wrench bearing a flywheel was developed. Obtained a patent.
Dec-1999An adjustable head ratchet wrench was developed. Patented.
Jun-2002The slide-switch ratchet wrench changed in reverse single hand was developed. Patented.
Aug-2003Shinano Holdings Co., Ltd. was established.
Jun-2005The ratchet wrench which can torque management is developed. Patent pending.
Dec-2006We acquired ISO9001 certification.
Jan-2013A solar energy power generation system was introduced.
Mar-2014Started Manufacturing and selling industrial air tools.
1. External cylindrical grinding machine 8
2. Double ended grinding machine 3
3. Internal cylindrical grinding machine 3
4. Surface grinding machine 2
5. Broaching machine 3
6. Automatic honing machine 2
7. 2 axis NC lathe running machine with robot 2
8. NC lathe running machine 17
9. Lathe running machine 9
10. Milling machine 4
11. Machining center 3
12. Wire cutting machine 2
13. Robot for attaching/detaching 7
14. CNC tapping machine 5
15. Punching special-purpose machine with robot 1
16. Punching purpose machine 19
17. Barrel processing machine 3
18. Drilling machine 21
19. Laser beam machine 2
20. Compressor 8
21. Processing machine 21
22. 5axis Lathe running machine 1
23. Complex lathe running machine 2
Quality Control Apparatus
1. Micro Vickers Hardness Tester 4
2. Metallurgical Microscope 1
3. Digital Microscope 1
4. Projector 1
5. Three Dimensions Measuring Apparatus 1
6. Circularity Measuring Apparatus 1
7. Profile meter 1
8. Vibration Tester 1
9. Color Analyzer 1
10. Spring Tester 1
11. Magtroll 3
12. Air Motor Analyzer 5
13. Torque Tester 8
14. Air Tool Life Tester 1
15. Screw Driver Tester 1
16. Ratchet Wrench Torque Tester 3
17. Hi-Speed Scope 1
18. Cubic Microscope 1
19. Image Measuring Apparatus 1
本社 東京都板橋区徳丸1-20-17 〒175-0083
埼玉事業所 事業本部 埼玉県ふじみ野市亀久保大野原1672 〒356-0051 TEL:049(264)8171(代) FAX:049(262)2012
事業内容 自動車補修用エアーツール 組立ライン用エアーツール 一般産業用エアーツール 製造と海外販売
設立 昭和24年
資本金 39,850,000円
役員 代表取締役社長 泉澤 宏嘉
取締役 白石 良平
取締役 嶋根 光雄
監査役 泉澤 燕
従業員 50名
取引銀行 三菱UFJ銀行 志村支店
巣鴨信用金庫 志村支店
東和銀行 川越支店
埼玉りそな銀行 上福岡支店
埼玉県信用金庫 ふじみ野支店 [順不同]
昭和24年10月有限会社 信濃製作所設立 各種測定器及び治工具の製造を開始
昭和36年10月株式会社 信濃製作所に改組
昭和59年8月埼玉に最新設備工場を新設(敷地8,670m² 建坪5,370m²)
名 称 台 数
1. 円筒研削盤 8
2. 両頭研削盤 3
3. 内面研削盤 3
4. 平面研削盤 2
5. ブローチ盤 3
6. 自動ホーニング盤 2
7. ロボット付き二軸NC施盤 2
8. NC施盤 17
9. その他施盤 9
10. フライス盤 4
11. マシニングセンター 3
12. ワイヤーカット 2
13. ワーク着脱用ロボット 7
14. CNCタッピングセンター 5
15. ロボット付き穴あけ専用機 1
16. 穴あけ専用機 19
17. バレル加工機 3
18. ボール盤 21
19. レーザーマーキング 2
20. コンプレッサー 8
21. その他加工機械 21
22. 5軸複合施盤 1
23. その他複合旋盤 2
名 称 台 数
1. マイクロビッカーズ等硬度計 4
2. 金属顕微鏡 1
3. デジタルマイクロスコープ 1
4. 投影機 1
5. 三次元測長器 1
6. 芯円度測定器 1
7. 表面粗さ測定器 1
8. 振動測定器 1
9. 測色器 1
10. ばね試験機 1
11. 電気動力計(マグトロール) 3
12. CP製エアモーターアナライザー 5
13. スキッドモアテスター 8
14. エアツールライフテスター 1
15. スクリュードライバーテスター 1
16. ラチェットレンチトルクテスター 3
17. ハイスピードスコープ 1
18. 実体顕微鏡 1
19. 画像寸法測定器 1
健康保険組合連合会 認定